Deutsche Bahn Faces New Strike Amid Dispute with Locomotive Drivers’ Union

By Nina Kienle

German railway company Deutsche Bahn is set to experience yet another strike as it continues to clash with the union of locomotive drivers over wages and working conditions.

Freight Traffic Strike

On Wednesday, the GDL union announced a freight traffic strike, scheduled to begin at 0500 GMT on Thursday. This will be followed by a passenger traffic strike, scheduled to start at 2100 GMT. Both strikes are expected to last until Friday at 2100 GMT.

Impact on Rail Operations

Deutsche Bahn has expressed its concern regarding the massive impact these strikes will have on rail operations.

Union’s Demands and Deutsche Bahn’s Offer

The GDL union has put forward several demands, including a reduction in working hours and an increase in pay by 555 euros ($605) per month. Additionally, the union has requested a 12-month inflation benefit amounting to EUR3,000. In response, Deutsche Bahn has offered an 11% wage increase spread over a 32-month period. They have also agreed to the inflation benefit proposed by the union.

Previous Strike and Willingness to Negotiate

The GDL union previously carried out an overnight strike on November 15 and has issued warnings of further action due to what they perceive as Deutsche Bahn’s unwillingness to negotiate. In contrast, Deutsche Bahn has stated that it remains open to compromise.

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