Co-Owner of Wyoming Radio Stations Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion

In a shocking turn of events, Susan K. Patrick, co-owner of the largest group of talk radio and country music stations in Wyoming, has pleaded guilty to evading millions of dollars in taxes. Susan and her husband, Larry Patrick, ran Patrick Communications, a Maryland-based brokerage firm that specialized in advising on the sale of radio and television stations.

Susan Patrick confessed to concealing earnings totaling $10 million from the company. Additionally, she admitted to intentionally omitting $9.5 million in income from her personal tax returns. These astounding revelations were disclosed by federal prosecutors in Maryland.

It is important to note that Susan Patrick’s attorney has not responded to requests for comment at this time.

The couple’s joint venture, Legend Communications, owns Big Horn Basin Media, which operates 22 radio stations across Wyoming. Cody, Sheridan, and Gillette are among the larger market towns where Legend Communications has a prominent presence. Their radio stations include popular country music and conservative talk radio programming. Legend Communications proudly claims the title of the largest radio station group in Wyoming on their website.

Notably, Legend Communications has also previously held stakes in television stations located in Los Angeles, Bridgeport, Connecticut, and Concord, California.

According to prosecutors, Susan Patrick engaged the services of an accounting firm to prepare taxes for both her and Patrick Communications between 2012 and 2015. However, she never actually filed these tax returns with the IRS. When notified of her failure to file, she fraudulently insisted that she had and provided doctored returns to the IRS. These falsified returns conveniently omitted $10 million in earned revenue for Patrick Communications between 2012 and 2014. Furthermore, Susan allegedly manipulated her personal tax returns to conceal $9.5 million in income for the same years.

As a result of her actions, Susan Patrick evaded paying $2.5 million in taxes that she rightfully owed.

Susan Patrick is scheduled to be sentenced in December. At that time, she could face up to three years in prison along with substantial fines as consequences for her actions.

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