YouGov in Advanced Talks to Purchase GfK’s European Consumer Panel Business

YouGov, the renowned U.K. research and data analytics group, announced today that it is currently engaged in advanced discussions to acquire GfK’s European consumer panel business. In order to partially finance the potential deal, YouGov is considering an equity raise.

With the approval of its shareholders, YouGov has the ability to raise up to 4.9% of its issued share capital. As of now, the company has a total of 111.5 million shares in circulation.

Although negotiations for the acquisition are at an advanced stage, YouGov emphasized that no definitive agreement has been reached and the terms of any potential deal remain uncertain.

According to undisclosed sources, Sky News reported earlier today that YouGov is likely to announce a substantial 300 million pound ($381.1 million) agreement to purchase the global consumer panels division of German research firm GfK after the close of the market today.

In response to this news, YouGov’s shares experienced a decline of 6.6%, or 65.0 pence, reaching 925.0 pence as of 12:50 PM GMT.

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