Voters Show Strong Interest in Another Biden Administration

According to recent polling data from Monmouth University, voters are demonstrating a substantial preference for another Joe Biden administration rather than considering a third-party option or supporting Donald Trump in 2024.

In a hypothetical Biden vs. Trump election, a combined 47% of voters expressed their intention to definitely or probably vote for President Biden. Meanwhile, 40% of voters stated that they would definitely or probably vote for ex-President Trump. However, the majority of respondents indicated that they would not choose either candidate.

Interestingly, while the electorate may be disheartened with the two main choices, they are not particularly enticed by a third-party option either.

Even with the introduction of a “fusion ticket” that includes one Democrat and one Republican, Biden continues to attract more support than Trump. When given the option of a fusion ticket, 37% of respondents indicated that they would definitely or probably vote for Biden, while 28% expressed their intention to do the same for Trump. Additionally, 30% of respondents stated that they would consider voting for the fusion ticket.

Concerns have been raised among Democrats regarding the potential impact of a third-party ticket on Biden’s chances in 2024. However, the polling report suggests that while the presence of a third-party fusion ticket does detract votes from both Biden and Trump, it is not enough to act as a significant “spoiler.”

It is worth noting that support for a fusion option decreases when actual candidates are named on the ticket.

Joe Manchin and Jon Huntsman Face Major Opposition in Hypothetical Ticket

A recent poll conducted by the Monmouth Polling Institute revealed that a potential ticket featuring Democratic West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin and Republican former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman is not resonating well with voters. Out of the respondents, a staggering 44% stated that they would definitely not vote for this option. In contrast, only a mere 2% expressed their definite support for the hypothetical Manchin-Huntsman ticket.

The duo recently took center stage at a town hall organized by the non-profit organization, No Labels. The event aimed to garner support for a “unity” ticket, akin to the fusion ticket mentioned in the Monmouth poll, for the upcoming 2024 presidential race. This gathering has sparked speculation about Manchin’s potential aspirations for the presidency in 2024.

If the 2024 election were to feature a showdown between Biden, Trump, and the Manchin-Huntsman ticket, the poll suggests that Biden would secure around 40% of the vote, while Trump would receive approximately 34%. However, the Manchin-Huntsman ticket seems to lag behind with only 16% of respondents indicating their support.

Patrick Murray, the director of the Monmouth Polling Institute, commented on the findings, stating that some voters may feel compelled to back a candidate whom they do not particularly favor. This scenario could suggest an opening for a third party in 2024. However, upon closer examination, it appears that there are not enough defectors to make this a truly viable option.

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