U.S. Export Inspections of Soybeans and Wheat Decline While Corn Sees Increase

The Department of Agriculture reported a decrease in U.S. export inspections of soybeans and wheat for the week ending on January 25th, while corn inspections saw an increase.


According to the USDA, soybean inspections totaled 889,717 metric tons, down from the previous week’s revised total of 1.18 million tons. China remained the top destination for soybeans.

Overall for the current marketing year, soybean exports reached 27.7 million tons compared to 36.2 million tons in the previous year.


Wheat export inspections in the past week dropped to 264,666 tons, a decrease from the previous week’s total of 315,186 tons. The year-to-date wheat inspections were reported at 11 million tons, down from 13.2 million tons in the previous year.

Mexico and the Philippines were the primary destinations for U.S. wheat in the past week.


The inspections for corn, on the other hand, increased to 901,958 tons from the previous week’s total of 746,933 tons. So far this marketing year, corn inspections reached 15.6 million tons, showing a rise from the 12.1 million tons recorded in the previous year.

Mexico emerged as the leading destination for U.S. corn.

Grains Futures

Grains futures on the Chicago Board of Trade experienced declines on Monday, with corn down by 1.3%, wheat down by 1.7%, and soybeans down by 0.9%.

For more information and related data, you can search for “USDA Grain Inspections for Export in Metric Tons” in Dow Jones NewsPlus.

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