Interview  – Dorothy Early

Dorothy Early

Chief financial officer

The financial system of our time could be more transparent and more apparent. We draw information about it from news reports and various articles on relevant topics. This is very little for people interested in this topic. Therefore, to expand the existing framework and look into the ongoing internal processes, you need to talk with someone who significantly impacts the modern financial system. We will do this with our guest, Mrs. Dorothy Early, Chief financial officer representing TechBerry.

– Good evening, Mrs. Early. I’m curious about your position at TechBerry. How difficult was it for you to get such a position, and how did you get ahead of men?

Thank you for such a conversation starter. Recently, the issues of gender equality have become one of the main ones in the civilized world. By this, we show our understanding of the situation and correct the mistakes of our predecessors. This is why I love TechBerry. Everything here is based solely on the equality of specialists, so almost everyone with the necessary skills and abilities can apply for a status position. All that is taken into account when choosing candidates is competence. A person who is a professional and superior to other specialists can take place at the company’s top.

– How do you understand that you have achieved excellent results? Are there any evaluation criteria?

– Thanks for the interesting question. Many professionals are working in finance, and a good result is the absence of losses. That is, if, after a certain period, you save everything that you have invested in the business, then this can be considered a success. This happens because of the unpredictability of the market, where not everyone will be able to break even. If you earn at least to cover current expenses, you will immediately be called a genius.

This approach of my colleagues from other companies is incomprehensible to me. The financial system is like a deep reservoir with an undercurrent and other serious dangers. To not drown in it, you must constantly be above the water. However, if you manage to eliminate the initial fear, you can think about improving your situation. It makes no sense to plunge into the financial system if you do not constantly set yourself more complex tasks.

– Sounds like a motivational speech. Is it possible to meet such needs, and how to do it?

– Very simple. It is enough to study all your life. I use this postulate in all my speeches to colleagues and regularly repeat it to my children. If you lose interest in learning and stop doing it, then very quickly, it will become apparent to you that you will not be able to develop further. Moreover, you will begin to degrade as a specialist and just as a person. This will be used by competitors who will “swallow” you whole and forget about your existence.

– Great comparison. Based on the chosen direction of the dialogue, can you tell us a little about the prospects for the financial market?

Let me compare my profession with doctors and lawyers to answer your question. These specialists can answer customer questions accurately, so they are always in demand and respected. In my case, there are no clear laws and prescriptions for medicines, so I have to adapt to constantly changing conditions. I believe that the financial system is alive. It intertwines the relationships of many participants, each of which contributes something of its own. All this is very complicated and drives some specialists crazy. However, if you catch the wave of such a system, you can go with it, getting everything you need: money, fame, pleasure, and much more. To do this, you need a team of professionals like TechBerry has. With it, you can set ambitious goals and develop faster than competitors.

– An exciting opinion. Can you expand on this topic a little more?

– Certainly. Many financial workers need to put their soul into their work. Because of this, their perception of the situation remains the same as that of ordinary people. They see only obvious things, not noticing mistakes and opening opportunities. I call this neglect, which I consider the main problem of any financier. Such a defect does not allow leaving the comfort zone, reducing development prospects to zero. We at TechBerry pay attention to everything available to us. In particular, you try to use modern technologies that provide many privileges actively. With their help, it is possible to create innovative products and allow customers to use them.

Separately, I want to say about artificial intelligence. It is he who forms the main directions of development of TechBerry. Yes, it still needs improvement, but we are working around the clock to improve it. We can already boast of excellent results, which will enhance yearly. It motivates me a lot, and I don’t see the limit of such perfection. At the same time, I want to say that the principal capital of TechBerry is people, not AI. They help to correct errors and prevent their occurrence in the future.

– Are the financial department specialists the company’s backbone, or do they have another role in TechBerry?

– They play a leading role. Our task is to maintain the overall working philosophy of the company. We must quickly respond to any changes and adjust the work of TechBerry to them. To achieve this, you need a top team consisting of high-level specialists. I’m glad we have it. Thanks to this, we can contribute to developing an innovative TechBerry product that can be useful even for professional traders. The main thing is to understand all the ongoing processes and competently integrate AI trading algorithms with our products.

– Very interesting. Please tell me, will AI be able to replace a person and deprive good specialists of work completely?

– If your question is about the work of TechBerry, then it is unlikely. The fact is that behind any of our products are people, not machines. They only use the capabilities of AI to improve and implement specific ideas. Moreover, people create the algorithms that artificial intelligence works on. Therefore, if the work of our products seems like magic to you, then remember that behind it are hundreds of ordinary people endowed with excellent intellectual abilities.

– What can we expect shortly? Are you looking forward to any significant event in the world of finance?

– It is difficult to answer your question. People cannot see the future; we can only quickly adapt to ongoing changes. However, from the outside, it may seem that we can predict tomorrow’s events to many.

With an advanced AI system, we can instantly respond to certain situations. This gives us vital information to predict the most likely scenario for developing events. Please don’t call it a hoax by any means. We do not guess but anticipate, which are entirely different concepts. The more initial data we have, the higher the probability of making the most accurate forecast. Our AI helps a lot in this matter, making it easier for us to process such vast amounts of information.

– Discussing these topics makes my head spin. However, will you give a concrete forecast for further developments?

– I do not want to do this. There is a very high probability of making an inaccurate forecast, because of which you will accuse me of providing false information. Therefore, I prefer to rely on artificial intelligence. It is still far from perfect, but its current capabilities are unique. AI will be the main direction of development in the coming years. I am happy TechBerry understands this and is already working on its modernization.

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